Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mommy thinks I'm handsome!

So here we are, 4 weeks old already! Where did the time go? Rigel continues to be a joy as he grows and grows. We are getting to know him better and "understand" his needs and cries. He is still on a great schedule. We are taking regular early morning walks and he enjoys his swing, bouncy seat and being the the bjorn with mommy. Boyd is an awesome dad willing to still change the middle of the night diaper despite having to get up for work. We get out every now and then and he does well, attracting the attention of those around us with his charm and sweetness! He is starting to interact and recognize me easily and is attempting a smile;-)

1 comment:

tequigirlgarcia said...

I think he is handsome also!!! He looks so cute in long pants