Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This... is that!!!!!

These are the precious ringlets that I will NEVER cut... probably... be jealous everyone they are gorgeous!
And when wet... this is what we get... again jealousy is ok!
WHY would I cut it? That's just silly.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Daddy to the rescue!

I guess I forgot how horrible it is to have the flu... really can't remember the last time I did. My temp has gone from 100.4 to 102.4 to 103.3 just this morning. It is sucking the life out of me... and snot, phlegm... okay back on topic.
Thank God Boyd's schedule is super flexible right now because I honestly don't know how you can care for your 2 small children with a fever, cough and literally blowing my nose every 2 minutes when it's at it's worst. Boyd has been amazing doing everything for the kids. We've had a couple of sunny days too so they went to the park today and had lunch out in the back yard! Hooray for Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get more fat...

We are not large people. We try to eat mostly healthy. My husband weighs as much as he did in high school, which wasn't much. Today at Ohana's 1 year well baby check, she was off the scale for her weight. At a mere 15lb 11oz our girl needs more fat! She is 24% for height and 6% for her head circumference. So here are some of the things we are to try... heavy whipping cream in her already full-fat milk, scrambled egg yolks with mayo, adding sour cream or cream cheese to foods, maybe some coconut oil in her oatmeal... and I won't bore with the rest. Our girl loves to eat so that is not the issue. She just has good genes and will hopefully thank us in her teen and early 20's! She is healthy and perfect in every way!