Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend of Thanks

Thankful we have started potty training despite accidents.
Thankful for cute outfits and smiles
Thankful for family walks and wagon rides
Thankful for baby wearing and being close
Thankful they are healthy and happy... and mostly gentle to each other
Thankful for attention... no matter the cost!
Happy Weekend of Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Little crouper trooper

Croup is a nasty viral sickness that is going around here. It's best known for its seal like barking cough. Ohana is not barking but her cough is harsh. We got the only medication that helps with the cough symptom. She also spent time in a steamy bathroom last night and then out in to the cold night air- also to help her cough. Her night was better, but not great. Luckily she is still nursing like a champ and was able to come into bed, nurse, and sleep next to me for a few hours- then the cough came back. The night before, Boyd and I took turns in her rocker all night while she went from sleeping to coughing to crying then to sleep again.
Despite all of this, she still smiles at everyone who catches her eye.
I caught this shot right as I put her down for her nap this morning... almost makes up for it all.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9 Months!

Our baby girl is 9 months... where did the time go?
We just delight in who she is becoming and how much she adds joy and laughter to our family.

You are trying very hard to crawl.
You light up when your brother walks in to the room.
You are very happy and usually smiling.
You are more curious everyday.
You let me dress you up and so far, are not pulling the flowers off your head.
You are expressive with your tongue... it's really funny.
You squawk so excitedly every morning.
You love to pull Rigel's curly hair.
You still have sweet blue eyes.

We love you Ohana!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thinking Holidays

We are big on money saving around here. I really never pay full price for anything. On top of that, I'm learning about cash back shopping, coupon sites and just plain earning free stuff. So far I've earned $60 in FREE amazon gift cards for just searching the internet the way I normally would. We will pay for the kids Christmas gifts with this as well as maybe a little reward for myself for being able to earn free money! None if this is that hard and it has literally paid off for us as we are thinking of the holidays! It actually makes shopping fun and in ways, stress free. Happy shopping everyone. Click on my links in this post to connect to my favorite shopping tricks.
The photo is the goal of my next shopping hunt! Won't Ohana be so cute in this dress.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Trains Trains Trains

We were able to get an amazing deal on a family membership to the Colorado Railroad Museum. Since Boyd was gone ALL last week, we were in need of some family time. Wonderful fall day and tons of trains!

Girl style!

Boyd loves carharts. He wears them all winter and was happy when we found baby ones when Rigel was little so... now we do them girl style!!!!!


Our girl is getting her first pearly white teeth. Can you see 'em?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Those people...

I thought I was one of "those" people... natural birthing, recycling, bargain finding, blogging, non-hfcs eating (high-fructose corn syrup), tech savvy people... but maybe I'm not. I'm good at multi-tasking but maybe just not that good at any one thing. In fact I'm pretty average at most things. I usually want the average of what I do to be just a little better. I love my friend Melissa. I email her at least once weekly about how she "did" something. She is sweet enough to tell me and so I dream of being her pesky neighbor. Basically I wish she would mentor me about how she "does life". Just in the little things like blogging, making jams, sewing something and creating fun things that she just likes! Well here's the latest deal from Shutterfly. We have made 4 photos books from them just for the cost of shipping. We will do this I'm sure as we got our last years cards free too... why wouldn't you. Hopefully she won't kill me for making my post about her! She taught me how to have "links" in my posts;)