Saturday, August 20, 2011

18 months!

It's been a hectic week. Our washing machine broke.
We lost hot water for a day.
We had 2 major outings and are still unpacking!
During all of that, Ohana turned 18months!!!!!!!!
She's gone from this...

To this! Right before our eyes! She's SOOOOO sweet and affectionate.

She is smart and has a very independent side to her. She can say over 75 words according to the list I keep. She just repeated saying 1-10 in Spanish!

She loves her brother and family and wearing hats. She still eats well though is very petite.
She is adventuresome but doesn't like to pool even though she loves taking a bath.
She is learning more than I can keep up with.

She brings daily joy to our family despite chaotic times. She has 8 new teeth!
She loves laps and being held and riding in the stroller.
She just started asking to watch shows, but doesn't really watch them.
She dances when she hears music.
She likes to brush her teeth, wash her hands and put toys away which is good because her brother us messy!


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