Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Little crouper trooper

Croup is a nasty viral sickness that is going around here. It's best known for its seal like barking cough. Ohana is not barking but her cough is harsh. We got the only medication that helps with the cough symptom. She also spent time in a steamy bathroom last night and then out in to the cold night air- also to help her cough. Her night was better, but not great. Luckily she is still nursing like a champ and was able to come into bed, nurse, and sleep next to me for a few hours- then the cough came back. The night before, Boyd and I took turns in her rocker all night while she went from sleeping to coughing to crying then to sleep again.
Despite all of this, she still smiles at everyone who catches her eye.
I caught this shot right as I put her down for her nap this morning... almost makes up for it all.

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