Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9 Months!

Our baby girl is 9 months... where did the time go?
We just delight in who she is becoming and how much she adds joy and laughter to our family.

You are trying very hard to crawl.
You light up when your brother walks in to the room.
You are very happy and usually smiling.
You are more curious everyday.
You let me dress you up and so far, are not pulling the flowers off your head.
You are expressive with your tongue... it's really funny.
You squawk so excitedly every morning.
You love to pull Rigel's curly hair.
You still have sweet blue eyes.

We love you Ohana!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Victoria Nelson said...

She's BEAUTIFUL!!! Love seeing the pics of her all dolled up. It is so nice to have a girl isnt it? =)