Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Our Princess is 3!!!

I wanted to title this post "We survived a Princess Party".
There were 10 kids ages 1-5, a bouncy castle, a game, gifts, and cupcakes.
It was fun and crazy at the same time.
Ohana named the guest list and theme.

 Tape the crown on the princess!

Ohana you are one of a kind!
You are so sweet and funny.
You delight in being with people.
You still want "Uppies" everyday.
You are growing up yet still have such a wonderful innocence. 
You are so smart and love to sing and dance.
You are creative and usually too busy to sleep much.
You love being a girl yet play construction and super hero and cars with your big brother daily.
You are an amazing blessing to our family!!!
We love you SO much!!

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