Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summa time!!!

Most summers I have a mental list of what would be fun to do. Concerts in the park, picnics, day trips to the mountains, making ice cream and weekend camping.
I'm definitely not at the point of writing it down and making it pretty as some bloggers do.
Life with 3 little ones makes me realize my summer list is a fun dream in my head.
Maybe in 5 years I can write it down, make it pretty and check things off the summer to do list.
Until then, here is some of our summer!

 No more nap means afternoon quiet time. Listening to music or books on CD. He went to 3 different VBS's too and loved each one.

 I think Canaan looks more like Rigel.

 She would have posed with her brother all day.

 Baby summer hat. A little big still.

 My handsome boy smiles a lot. Just hard to catch with my camera.

 Splash park fun.
We have also been to the pool at our gym. Sadly, we have to cancel our membership but hope to rejoin just for the summer next year.

 They had a great time despite their expressions.

 Quality time with Canaan. A daily ritual.

 She loves to swoon over him.

Garden treats!

Pumpkins are growing!

No too shabby for life with the littles. No I'm still not getting much sleep. Having 3 is harder than most people say. We still have a few things up our sleeves for the rest of summer. 
Grateful we are healthy and together! No list can capture than anyway!!!!!

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