Monday, July 2, 2012

Canaan is 1 month

It's been a month (couple days ago) my dear Canaan and you are becoming so strong and smart.
 I will try hard to take your photo though you are the 3rd baby in the family.
You are already great at moving your head and holding it up.

 You gave us your first smile exactly the day you turned 1 month.
You still have very dark hair and eyes. You make the best cooing noises.

 You are loved by your brother and sister- they kiss you all day long.
You have rolled from your tummy to your back at least 6 times! A 4 month skill according to the doctor.

 You love being held and cuddled. You do not like having your diaper changed and you cry loudly to let us know.

 You think your 2am feeding is social time. It is not. Please sleep my precious boy.
You have cute baby fists. Something to remember for when you stop doing this all the time.

 Baby feet are just too cute.

You love to nurse and have caught up for time lost when you were born. Even though I am so tired, I still stare at you in the middle of the night because I can't believe you are mine and I am so lucky to be your mommy. 

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