Saturday, October 8, 2011

As promised...

Remember the ugly blue carpet and the wall paper...


after with paint and new laminate floors

we can't wait for a fire in this cozy room

and the dining area with floral wall paper...

fresh paint, new light and bamboo window covers look better

this is the dinosaur room... not for our little girl

new paint and the decor from her room in our previous house

no before photo of the half bath downstairs but just imagine wall paper and yuck
now fresh light aqua paint, new rug and things hung on the wall... hopefully we will also put new linoleum tiles when we also do them in the kitchen and entry way.

So this is the beginning of the home make-over tour.
Our goal is to finish by the holidays in November... say a prayer we do finish!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow! It looks great! Nice work!