Saturday, September 10, 2011

September Ten on Ten

Here's my ten on ten- linking up with A little bit of sunshine

This was the start of the day... it's going around our house

The pattern of my new $4 garage sale skirt... that Boyd found for me!

My new stack of frames from Ikea... big plans for these

One of my favorite pieces of art that was made special for me

Above her crib and I smile at it every time I see it

He's the last of us to get sick... slows him down, a little

Belly button

Finally got to look at this after having it for 2 weeks

I get to ride a real one next week

Kept saying "cheese" while I was taking a different photo... how could I not snap this one?
How was your September 10th?
ten on ten button


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oh my, those are some seriously adorable pictures. Hope you're all feeling better soon!

Mommy Minded said...

Love all the pictures!