Wednesday, July 27, 2011

40 is the new 30!

I am 40! Maybe if I say it enough, I'll actually believe it!
My attitude is 40 is the new 30! I stole that from someone else's blog, but it feels about right for my life and lifestyle. July 25th, 2011- I also copied this same blogger who made a list of 30 things to do the year of being 40. I won't bore you with my whole list but a few are:
re-string my grandma's pearls and wear them just because, take a basic photo class and take our kids next birthday photos, do 1 new craft each month, go scuba diving, visit at least 1 of my top 10 places I'd like to visit in the U.S., finish all my unfinished photo albums, dance with Boyd in the rain... you get the idea.
Anyway to kick off being 40, here's what we did.

Breakfast at the Olive Branch

A hike in Williams canyon

Date night at the Blue Star.
We started to go to another restaurant that was only doing a happy hour night and closing at 9pm.
We didn't want to feel rushed having arrived there at 8pm so they sent us to the Blue Star where we were greeted to a reserved booth, champagne and free dessert! Not too shabby!
So here's to 30 in 40! I'm sure I'll post about most of the goals throughout the year.


Double D said...

40 is just the beginning! Enjoy!

Kristina said...

Happy Birthday. The Olive Branch is my absolute favorite restaurant in the Springs!