Saturday, July 16, 2011

17 on the 16th!

Ohana is 17 months old today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She LOOOVES her "buba" and even keeps him company when he gets time out!
She's a climber!
She likes "trucks" and doesn't mind the lack of "girl toys"
She loves books and this is the face I usually get when the camera is out. She says "cheee"!
A favorite is going "side"! (outside)
We feel so blessed by her happy heart and love for everyone

I've been slacking in the picture taking department. We just finished our 4th move in less than 3 years. Moving is just plain icky! Anyway, often she puckers up for a kiss and then tells me "thank you"! She has no idea how often this makes my day.
Speaking of her constant chatter, she can now say over 40 words! Some are hard to decipher, but she uses them consistently and in correct context so I know they are true words and not just her cute baby babble. She loves baths, riding her bike, eating, nursing, putting toys away since one of her most common phrases is "put back".
She talks on the play phone, likes putting on shoes, washing her hands, wearing hats, still eats veggies, draws chalk on the driveway, and tells us in a couple of ways that she is peeing and pooping in her diaper. She makes backing up beeping noises when she backs up on a ride on toy or even into our laps!
She still doesn't like cold milk.

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