Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Moment with Moriah

So I (Dena) have been blessed to meet a little angel. Moriah is an amazing little person God has put on earth to teach many people many things. She is very sick and about to have a big surgery for such a little girl. Her parents are some of the nicest you will ever meet. They used to be here in Colorado and attended our church. Rigel and I took advantage of some time we just spent in California to meet her. She lives her life connected to tubes to help her breathe and eat right now, yet she could blow Rigel and I kisses. Rigel was taken by her dad Justin and of course he was smitten by her mom Victoria. They are linked to our blog if you want to know their full story. Rigel and I covet you prayers for them! We miss you Moriah... see you next time we are in Cali! XOXO!


Victoria Nelson said...

Hey guys,
Thank you so much for this. It means more to us than you'll ever know...
Lots of love,
the Nelsons

Melissa said...

I'm so jealous that you guys got to meet Moriah!!