Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Colors are a changin'

I got to take my parents on a drive today to Caribou which is a ghost town a couple miles west of Nederland. It was a little chilly but my dad held me tight so I was good. The funny thing is my dad got really excited when we walked to a fallen down wood cabin. Inside and all areound it he found some wild rasberries and he went wild picking them and eating them. He even picked some for my mom. We then went down the canyon and had a snack near the creek. My crazy dad found some wild strawberries growing on the bank... What are the odds of that.

It was so nice to see all the colors changing, which means that I will get to se snow for the first time soon. Mom is not looking forward to that. Thats it for now, I'll keep growing and getting cuter every day. Peace -Rigel

1 comment:

Victoria Nelson said...

hey guys!
thank you so much for the encouraging words. they help us get through this...
and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We're so happy for you both, and he is absolutely adorable!
lots of love,
the nelsons