Monday, July 8, 2013

Almost Famous...

This is mostly a catching up post... summer time makes it extra difficult to do anything extra than watching 3 kiddos full time everyday.
So we were chosen to do a photo shoot for Ergo baby carriers... it was fun and we got a very nice FREE Ergo for our time along with some photos... 

Then this same photographer asked he she could use our adorable son for a cake smash session... again with FREE photos for our time...

Finally he needed his baby but shot to complete my wall...

Honestly I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for friends who take photos, winning photos, earning free photo books and things like this... 
I guess my walls would be bare and all my pictures would not look so great.

At 13 months Canaan you have found the joy of playing with pots and pans.
You have got great rhythm and dance while you eat.
You move around, but you do not crawl or walk...
You have a special way of communicating through noises and gestures... you are learning more signs.
You know where your head is!
You can say, dada, doggie, zoom, hi and your version of peek a boo... not mama...
You got your 2 front teeth!
You are SUPER cuddly which is so special to the people you let hold you... you do not easily go to just any one and you especially do not love the nursery at church.

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