Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day- 36 weeks and so much more!

What a great day and I am MORE than blessed to be a mommy to my kids!
Holding on these last weeks of being pregnant. 
Full term next week but I'm sure it will be a couple more before he decides to join us.

 36 weeks and I cannot wait to meet our little angel boy. Craving fruit and back rubs whenever I can get them!

 Out of order on the photos but this was our family craft after brunch and naps today!
Rigel really got in to it. Ohana mostly watched and didn't really like the feel of the plaster on her hands.

I think it came out so cool. We will take newborn photos of him in the belly cast.

On to brunch now! So much yummy food and of course oodles of dessert!
The Broadmoor does brunch like nobody else. Amazing!

She blinked, but it didn't stop all that chocolate from being eaten up.

There's my pretty girl! 

So crazy to think there will be a tiny baby in the family very soon.
Smiley... party of 5. And what a party it will be.
Thanks for wearing "fancy" clothes too Rigel, makes your mommy smile!

1 comment:

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