Thursday, March 15, 2012

28 weeks- the LAST trimester ever!

With only 12 more weeks to go, I do need to slow down a bit and reflect about being pregnant for the last time. I will try to savor all the little kicks, indulge the cravings within reason and embrace my ever growing belly for what it is: a space that is growing life.

Approximate weight gain: 25 lbs and so will probably gain the most weight with this last pregnancy. I have to be okay with that since I can't really change it. It is, what it is.
I'm blessed with basically easy pregnancies.

I am going to a chiropractor for the first time ever for the lower back and hip pain.
All my babies have given me the back pain. I think this is the first time with hip pain.
Still it is all one BIG miracle.
I'm still working out though doing more pilates and yoga, and less spin class and body pump- but that's OK.
Getting excited to see this little guy.

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