Friday, August 13, 2010

My mission, birthday date, pee, Cali and more...

Long overdue at updating. We were in Cali for 12 days so I'll try to catch things up in one post. First my mission~ learn how to blog better and more efficiently. Use the tools better like having captions right under the photos and maybe even those slide show and links to things I talk about. It's a process...

Anyway after Crested Butte, my 39th (I mean 29th) birthday came. Boyd and Ohana were my dates! We had lunch at the Med and walked the Pearl St. Mall in Boulder. It was a lovely day.

We have been playing with potty training Rigel. He had a small success in the right direction. He sat on the potty and peed- now only if the pee would land IN the potty and not all across the bathroom rug- yuck! We did update his potty to have more of a "splash guard" thanks to Ikea!

Which is a great transition in to our Cali trip. We made it to the beach and the mountains. We are lacking photos, but we were there. There is one of a kind of planned outfit matching with my mom. She bought her dress and Ohana's romper and we just happened to have this shirt along for Rigel. Picture perfect.

Whew... probably enough for now... but wait... how could I forget the puppies!!!!!
Pipers pups are 6 weeks old and the cutest darn little doggies you have ever seen. They all seem to have her sweet and yes MELLOW temperament. Yes they play, they are puppies, but really they are so calm and sweet. We are NOT keeping any. But one could be yours! Just call me! They are goldendoodles so shedding will be to a very minimum if at all.

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