Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Long Road Trip

Yes it's been a while, again, since we posted. we have been on a 3 week road trip. We started off driving to Lost Canyon Young Life Camp to visit "the other Smileys". They were wonderful hosts to us and our nephew Hunter who promptly asked his mom "can I come here next year?" From there we headed to Cali to see family. Rigel hadn't seen his Granny and Poppy in many months. They were delighted to see his "booty scooty", hear him babble and say some words, get hugs and watch him play with his tractors!

While in CA we took the opportunity to see some friends. We headed to Santa Monica beach to see the newest, radest baby Max Alan Jed! We made our way to the beach where Rigel loved playing in the waves... and yes, eating the sand- yuck!
Before heading back to my parents end of town we made a quick, but inspiring visit to Children's hospital LA to visit the Nelsons and Miss Moriah! So here is this young family fighting the fight of their baby girl's life and they ask us if we need anything! Wow! You can see us on her blog- Moments with Moriah from our page.

Then the Big Bear weekend came. It's a yearly family trip of sorts. Time of relaxing and catching up with each other and watching he family grow as we welcome new babies like Adain who was just 7 weeks old.

We made another trip to Corona Del Mar beach near Newport for some family fun time and my love of the ocean. Rigel ate even more sand there- more yuck!

We were so impressed with how Rigel handled the 2900 miles spent in the car! Boyd and I made it through with the help of digital audio books- we made it through the first 2 books of the twilight series and even started the third book to our surprise.

Enjoy the photos!

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